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Claims History

In order to assist clinicians with providing care, Illinois Health Connect will provide electronic access to a summary of the claims for any current HFS client. The Claims History contains all claims submitted to HFS for the past two years, including pharmacy claims, and contains at least seven years of immunization claims. The information provided on the Claims History report adheres to all Illinois confidentiality statutes. The Claims History only reflects claims received by HFS so services paid by other payers are not included.

In order to protect patient confidentiality, this Claims History will only be available to any HFS provider or provider designee who has obtained a digital certification through HFS Medical Electronic Data Interchange (MEDI) System.

To access the Claims History, providers or provider designees will access the Illinois Health Connect Provider Portal through the MEDI system. Once on the Provider Portal, access to the Claims History can be obtained by clicking on the "Claims History" link and providing at least three pieces of identifying information about a specific client including name, RIN, DOB or SSN. For more information or assistance in accessing this information, contact the Illinois Health Connect Provider Services Help Desk at 1-888-912-1999.